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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Formatting rules

In new version there is a new buton in rules editing window. It is simply called "Format" and clicking it results in "nice" reformatting of a rule. See example below:

And after clicking the button rule gets reformatted:

It is especially visible in part with {}.
Simple and useful :)

AddTableRow & RemoveTableRow

We have added 2 new functions to use in rules:
Adds row to a given table. Returns index of added row (index can be used in Set function to fill data)
Function arguments:
  • table - names of table field.
RemoveTableRow("table",(first|last|row number))
Remove given row fromo a given table.
Function arguments:
  • table - names of table field.
  • (first|last|row number) - which row.