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Thursday, December 31, 2015

AMODIT Sales Summary 2015

End of the year is the time of finishing deployments, as well as time to draw conclusions. This year definitely was a success. Many new customers have trusted us and decided to implement AMODIT. Also, many new partners decided to cooperate with us.

How does it look like in numbers? Overall year to year sales growth is over 50%. SaaS implementations still cover only a small part of sales. But this part is the fastest growing one with a growth rate of over 100%.

Next year we expect further rapid growth, which will consist of increasing effectiveness of our partners and the further development of the SaaS model. We are also planning many new features and improvements. But I'll write about it another time.

Monday, December 7, 2015

New website

We have published new version of website with completely new layout.
Please check it out and register online for free demo of AMODIT.

Monday, November 30, 2015

AMODIT at BPM Trends Conference

AMODIT has been shown at BPM Trends Conference in Warsaw. Keynote was titled "System which designs workflow processes".

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


We have introduced small improvements in version 2.8:

  • Long text fields have option to enable HTML formatting.
  • GetAllUsers function ().
    Gets logins of all users. Additional parameter to retrieve e-mails of all users.
  • Added icon indicating which cases on the "To do" tab are transferred to the alternate person.
  • Bug fixes.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Nordea IT has automated document workflow processes through AMODIT


Nordea IT was founded by Nordea Bank to using the knowledge and many years of experience of experts gained in Nordea Bank Poland, to support the activities of the Nordea Group in the IT area. It deals with the maintenance and development of infrastructure software and banking systems in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Nordic countries.

Customer needs

  • Registration and accounting of cases and documents
  • Process control over documents' arrangement, assignment and approval 
  • Full story of changes, comments, descriptions and acceptance
  • Archiving documents in electronic form
  • Control access to archived documents
  • Easy retrieval of archived documents
  • Save time of employees and approvers
  • Summary reports (eg. Number of overtime hours at a time ...)

Scope of work

  • Cost invoices workflow - Registration and approval of cost invoices including printing barcodes, scanning, acceptance and verification by the accounting.
    • In addition, the functionality to exchange data with external accounting (list of invoices with acceptance and attribution).
    • Additionally, the integration with the process of business trips settlement to ensure accordance with the invoice approval.
    • Additional module to import data from a text file (a summary of the settlement costs)
  • Travel expense workflow - Submission of a travel form on own behalf and on behalf of another person, accepting the request, requesting expense reimbursement, two-stage acceptance of travel expenses. In addition, the functionality to exchange data with external accounting
  • Settlement of overtime work - complete workflow process from applying to acceptance.
  • Delegating proxies during out-of-office like vacation, sick leave or business trip.
  • A dozen of advanced reports.

The scale of implementation

  • 300 users
  • implementation time 3 months


New in version 2.7:

  • The new document templates option "Convert to PDF". Enabling this option makes the source document (Word or Excel) impossible to download. Instead, PDF file is always downloaded. Before the conversion to PDF MergeFields are filled-in by corresponding fields in the form. After convertion each page footer is marked with case number, date of creation of the document, the person who created it and checksum. These information are also placed as a QR code. This functionality is particularly useful for generating agreements and offers from template to make sure that they were not changed.
  • Adding a preview for fields of type "File".
  • Adding a parameter to the function WorkDayDiff, which allows you to define the working Sunday.
  • Support for Hungarian public holidays in the functions WorkDayDiff and DateAdd.
  • The error causing duplication of scanned documents during server's heavy load was corrected.
  • Improvements in the proxy user's mechanism.
  • Small improvements in the user interface and bug fixes.

Monday, August 10, 2015


The list of changes in version 2.6

  • introduction of license codes
  • added ability to set multilingual:
    • rule names
    • section names
    • procedure names
    • procedure descriptions
    • static fields
    • names and descriptions of dictionary items
  • integration with Comarch CDN XL - the integration includes import of dictionary data and export of invoices together with a analytical description
  • improved management of dictionaries - the ability to filter items while editing
  • forbidden creation of multiple procedures with the same name
  • added the ability to filter the list of cases by procedure stege (to filter by a stage you must first filter by procedure)
  • corrected bug with accidental switching case list to an old view
  • improved formatting of numbers in different languages
  • amendments to the display of the history of the "file" field
  • improvement: system does not send a notification about change to the person who made that change
  • bug fixes

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

AMODIT v.2.5

The new version introduces the following features and fixes:

  • integration with Toshiba MFPs
  • the possibility of narrowing down a list of people in a "user" field. Narrowing to one or more departments / groups. Options:
    • all
    • specific group or groups
    • my department
    • my department and sub-departments
  • system logs are hidden for regular users (not administrators)
  • required deadline for resolving the case is shown on the case list
  • improvements in text search
  • improved behavior of "File" field inserted into a table
  • amendment: dictionary field no longer displays inactivated items
  • group firing rules was corrected for closed cases
  • AddBarcode function was corrected. Function allows you to place a barcode on the document
  • other minor fixes

Soon we are going to publish version 2.6 which introduces among others:

  • license codes
  • full multilingualism (the ability to translate the names of procedures, dictionaries, rules, sections, etc.)

Friday, July 3, 2015

AMODIT v.2.4

We have published version 2.4. The biggest change in this version is a new layout, and changes to the case list. These changes are introduced in order to improve AMODIT's usability on mobile devices. This version also includes other changes:

  • a change in the creating new cases - "Start new case" button has been removed; instead "New case" page was introduced with tiles representing procedures
  • favorite procedures - each user can select favorite procedure with an asterisk. Then they will appear first in the list
  • "file" field type - the ability to put file directly to the form and assigning then permissions, marking as required etc.
  • improvement of firing rules for group of cases - in advanced search the list of rules will be limited to only those that make sense for selected cases
  • GetUserDataFromAD function - this function can read any information from Active Directory for the specified user
  • printing barcodes on the label printer from the AMODIT Client Tool. Ability to define label size and code type.
  • the ability to set the language for formatting numbers and dates, regardless of the user interface language. This allows eg. to set the number formatting to Polish while still having English field names at the same time
  • forbidding creating procedures with identical names
  • bug fixes

Thursday, July 2, 2015

AMODIT integrates seamlessly with Office 365

Office 365 (O365) is a great collaboration platform in a cloud. Cloud version of SharePoint gives lots of featues for building intranets, storing documents and publishing information. However, its workflow features are very limited. But now it can be easily improved by seamless integration of AMODIT platform.
AMODIT with its intelligent workflow can serve as great solution for O365 workflow. Below you can see screenshots showing how both platforms work together.

On SharePoint library you can turn on AMODIT workflow feature.

If document in library is part of a process you can see its diagram with current state by just mouse hover over this file.

Context menu of every file in document library has new item.

You can easily see process bound to the document.

From this dialog you can also see process diagram with current stage marked with green color.

By clicking the process you go to process itself where you can modify its metadata (form), send it to someone, fire rules etc.

You can also see documents connected to the process. If the document is stored in document library in SharePoint then you can go directly to this library.

If you want to private demo of these functionalities then please contact us at

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

AMODIT Client Tool

New tool for AMODIT has been released which is workaround for limitations of web interface. This tool lets you:

  • scan documents from table scanner connected locally by USB
  • print stickers with barcodes on local printer
  • copy pictures/files from clipboard
After installation it is visible as an icon in system tray. By clicking right mouse button you can activate its menu.

When AMODIT Client Tool is installed you will see new option in AMODIT's web interface:

You can download this tool from:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Migrating files from database to file system

AMODIT can be configured to store file in one of two modes:
1.    Files stored in database
2.    Files stored in file system (database is only used to store index information)
Both modes have pros and cons.

Storing files in database:
+ integrity assured by database server
+ inability to modify files without accessing database
– database file becomes huge which makes backup difficult and influences performance

Storing files in file system:
+ smaller database file
+ easier and faster backup
+ files can be backup up incrementally as they are separate
– files can be modified outside the system what creates a risk of losing data integrity

It is possible to migrate file between database and file system. It is a paid service. Please find below example data from such a migration.

Database parameters

Number of cases
110 000
Number of files
90 000
Total size of files
60 GB


Time of migrating file from database to file system
4 h


File in database
Files in file system
Database size
79 GB
6 GB
Time of making backup
1 h
4 min
Time of restoring backup
4 h
24 min
Time of listing 10 000 files
Time of reading 10 000 files
170s/85s *
Time of listing all cases
Adding a column to the files table
3 h

* first attempt and next ones. Next attempts are faster due to file caching mechanisms of operating system.

Test were done on machine: Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.4GHz (2 proc), 16 GB RAM, Win Server 2008 R2 Std 64bit


Migrating file from database to file system significantly decreases size of database. This results in much shorter time of making and restoring backup. Additionally it decreases performance of reading files. Also some administrative operations on database are shortened significantly.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mobile version of AMODIT will be ready soon

It will be mobile version of web application. It will be optimised for smartphones screen and touch interface. Expect more news soon...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

AMODIT passed security audit

We are glad to inform that AMODIT has successfully passed security audit. Both automatic and manual tests were run. During tests preparation special stress was put on detecting exploits mentioned in OWASP Top 10 (, SANS Top 20 attack vectors ( and MITRE's Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) (
The attempts of following sorts of attacks were performed:

  • SQL injection
  • OS command injection
  • Classic buffer overflow
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • Cross-site reguest forgery (CSRF)
  • Session hijacking
  • Foreceful browsing
  • Missing function level access control request

What is more, the following areas were examined:

  • Password policy (include: recovery, changing, strenght)
  • Cookies expire policy
  • Database roles policy
  • Strength of cryptographic algorithms

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Field names displayed in selected language

Currently a new functionality has been introduced into AMODIT Platform that enables a display of field names in accordance to selected language. It’s another step in making our Platform more accessible for users working in multilingual environment.

How does it work?

To define a field names in a specific language, enter them in the form of:
language symbol: the field name in selected language
pl: Kontrahent
fr: Entrepreneur
de: Auftragnehmer

In case of selecting Polish language Amodit Platform user will see the form in the way presented below:

At the same time another French speaking user  will see the respective screen: