Friday, December 13, 2013
Mentat - new AMODIT partner
We have just signed agreement with Mentat, a company which specializes in BPM deployments and trainings. Company is publishing BPM blog (in Polish) about psychology of BPM:
Monday, November 4, 2013
Invoice acceptance with OCR
AMODIT is integrated with OCR engine to support full life-cycle of invoice acceptance. It can be also easily integrated with ERP system.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Scientific publication about AMODIT at conference "Ecoinnovations in Poland"
Paper was published in monograph and also presented at the conference in Kielce, Poland. Publication describes innovative features of AMODIT and shows how it can be used to decrease amount of paper documents in an office.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Barcodes on scanned documents (PDFs)

What's new in version 2.0?
Most interesting new features are:
- Synchronizing Active Directory groups and users with AMODIT groups.
- Integration with
- Full suport for 1D and 2D barcodes. Including generating, reading and also adding to scanned documents.
- Support for USB scanner devices.
- Improved performarce of editing dictionary items.
- CreateCase function which lets you create subprocesses from rules and then interact with them.
- FillFieldsFromString function, which makes it easy to copy data from format like "name|address|city" into separate fields. It is useful for integration and external dictionaries.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Green Office Certificate
Environmental Partnership Foundation is helping companies to become more eco-friendly and reduce costs at the same time. If you apply all recommendations you can get Green Office Certificate.
One of recommendations is to reduce amount of paper used in office with help of DMS or workflow system. AMODIT is a very good way to achieve it.
More information about certificate you can get here:
One of recommendations is to reduce amount of paper used in office with help of DMS or workflow system. AMODIT is a very good way to achieve it.
More information about certificate you can get here:
Thursday, October 10, 2013
New function: FillFieldsFromString
This function is very useful when you want to store many parts of information ia a string and then save it to proper fields. It makes it easy to have tricky effect. Lets say you have a list of customers. Every customer is described with fields like "name","street","city" and "numer of employees". So you can set it up in AMODIT as an external dictionary. But dictionaries have just two fields; "name" and "description". But you can store "street","city" and "numer of employees" in dictionatry item's "description" using separator, f.e. "Hollywood Blvd|Los Angeles|3500". Using new function your can easily read such a string and save pieces of information into proper fields.
Another example is a scenario when you have your customers in external database. You want to query it for additional data every time user types-in customer number and store it in proper fields on a form. You can do it with an example code below:
sql="select SYS_DAO.f_get_Customer([CUST_ID]) from DUAL";
FillFieldsFromString(res,"##","Client name","Client name","Tax number","Registry number","Client address"," Client address "," Client address "," Client address ");
This rule retrieve customer data from database in the form of string with values separated by ## string. Ex:
ASTRAFOX##sp. z o.o.##5252171560##13928533##UL. TABOROWA##8##02-699##WARSZAWA
FillFieldsFromString function splits retrieved string and puts values into given fields. You can add as many fields names as you wish (input string can contain any number of values separated by given separator). If you want to omit specified position you can pass empty field name "". If one field is specified more than once, then values from specific positions are concatenated into this field.
Another example is a scenario when you have your customers in external database. You want to query it for additional data every time user types-in customer number and store it in proper fields on a form. You can do it with an example code below:
sql="select SYS_DAO.f_get_Customer([CUST_ID]) from DUAL";
FillFieldsFromString(res,"##","Client name","Client name","Tax number","Registry number","Client address"," Client address "," Client address "," Client address ");
This rule retrieve customer data from database in the form of string with values separated by ## string. Ex:
ASTRAFOX##sp. z o.o.##5252171560##13928533##UL. TABOROWA##8##02-699##WARSZAWA
FillFieldsFromString function splits retrieved string and puts values into given fields. You can add as many fields names as you wish (input string can contain any number of values separated by given separator). If you want to omit specified position you can pass empty field name "". If one field is specified more than once, then values from specific positions are concatenated into this field.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
New office in New York
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
AMODIT for oil company
We have deployed Self Service solution for employees of oil company to support HR processes. It is based on AMODIT technology and integrates with Microsoft SharePoint and SAP R/3 HR. It is to support 3000 end users and many HR processes. AMODIT gives business users ability to define processes, forms and business rules easily.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Formatting rules
In new version there is a new buton in rules editing window. It is simply called "Format" and clicking it results in "nice" reformatting of a rule. See example below:
And after clicking the button rule gets reformatted:
It is especially visible in part with {}.
Simple and useful :)
And after clicking the button rule gets reformatted:
It is especially visible in part with {}.
Simple and useful :)
AddTableRow & RemoveTableRow
We have added 2 new functions to use in rules:
Adds row to a given table. Returns index of added row (index can be used in Set function to fill data)
Function arguments:
- table - names of table field.
RemoveTableRow("table",(first|last|row number))
Remove given row fromo a given table.
Function arguments:
- table - names of table field.
- (first|last|row number) - which row.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
How to configure and use a reference field type
Some time ago we introduced a new reference field type. This kind of field type is useful while creating a link or reference from one case to another. In this article we want to present a few steps describing how to configure and use the reference field type.
Configuration steps:
1. Go to the form tab in the chosen procedure configuration.
2. Add a reference field and choose a procedure to which the field will be referencing.
Usage step:
3. In the given case go to its form and choose a referencial case.
Configuration steps:
1. Go to the form tab in the chosen procedure configuration.
2. Add a reference field and choose a procedure to which the field will be referencing.
Usage step:
3. In the given case go to its form and choose a referencial case.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
AMODIT on EOIF GigaCon 2013
On 24th through 25th of July, 2013, AMODIT will be presented at 28th Conference on Corporate Electronic Information Flow in Warsaw. Be our guest and visit us at AstraFOX booth or take part in our lecture on the 2nd day of the conference at 11 a.m.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Softex Data SA became AMODIT partner

Softex Data has several offices in Poland (Warsaw, Cracow, Piła, Wrocław) thus increasing sales channel of AMODIT. We hope to have fruitful cooperation.
Current partner list is available here:
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Folder views and search results
Imagine that you want see attachments from many cases in one list. Now you can do it by creating "folder view". To achieve it you can create advanced search criteria, for example cases created in a given month. You can use form fields to group cases in folders. In example below you want to have first level of folders made it users who created cases and second level of folders made of month of modification.
In „Views and search result" you can see attachments added to cases, grouped by your criteria.
So it looks like disk folders but they are in fact virtually created from form fields or case properties. By hovering mouse pointed over a file (attachment) you can see preview of its content.
This makes it possible to create folder views or table views and access documents and cases very quickly.

In „Views and search result" you can see attachments added to cases, grouped by your criteria.

So it looks like disk folders but they are in fact virtually created from form fields or case properties. By hovering mouse pointed over a file (attachment) you can see preview of its content.

This makes it possible to create folder views or table views and access documents and cases very quickly.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Workflow conference in Warsaw
5th of July there will be a conference "DMS Systems and Workflows".
Entrance is free. Conference will take place in Radisson Blu Hotel in Warsaw.
Conference starts at 09:00 am. and finishes at 2:20 pm.
Entrance is free. Conference will take place in Radisson Blu Hotel in Warsaw.
Conference starts at 09:00 am. and finishes at 2:20 pm.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Multichoice in advanced search
There is one small but nice improvement in advanced search. It was easy to make a condition of type
a = 2 and b = 3
But if you made a condition like ...
a = 2 and a = 4 and b = 3
... you would get no results. But now if you put one field twice in conditions then AMODIT will know that they cannot be true at the same time and will change "and" to "or", so it will be in fact:
(a = 2 or a = 4) and b = 3
See example below:
Here there are two conditions put on "Case creator". They cannot be met at the same time and you would get no results but AMODIT automatically joins them with "or" and show both options in results.
a = 2 and b = 3
But if you made a condition like ...
a = 2 and a = 4 and b = 3
... you would get no results. But now if you put one field twice in conditions then AMODIT will know that they cannot be true at the same time and will change "and" to "or", so it will be in fact:
(a = 2 or a = 4) and b = 3
See example below:
Here there are two conditions put on "Case creator". They cannot be met at the same time and you would get no results but AMODIT automatically joins them with "or" and show both options in results.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
2 ways to create dictionary from Excel file
It often happens that you have a dictionary (a list of items to choose) in an Excel file. One easy way to use it with AMODIT is to create normal dictionary in AMODIT and simply copy and paste values. If you select two columns in Excel and copy them to AMODIT then first one will be interpreted as "Name" and second as "Description". But this is static one-time copy, so further changes you will have to make in AMODIT.
But there is also other ways to get dictionary from Excel "live". So every time you change something in Excel file it will be synchronized by AMODIT. To achieve it you have to put your Excel file in a folder on server. Then you create "external dictionary" using Office driver. You just need to use proper connection string refering to Office driver and supplying Excel file's path (see picture below).
Then you need to place sheet name as table name with "[" at beginning and "$]" at end. You can refer to column names and their names have to be stored in first row of the sheet.
But there is also other ways to get dictionary from Excel "live". So every time you change something in Excel file it will be synchronized by AMODIT. To achieve it you have to put your Excel file in a folder on server. Then you create "external dictionary" using Office driver. You just need to use proper connection string refering to Office driver and supplying Excel file's path (see picture below).
Then you need to place sheet name as table name with "[" at beginning and "$]" at end. You can refer to column names and their names have to be stored in first row of the sheet.
If you do it right AMODIT will read this file once a day and will synchronize dictionary. Quite easy and simple :)
Monday, May 13, 2013
D-Well (advertising media manufacturer) deployed AMODIT

D-Well deployed AMODIT to support processes of producing tailor-made advertising products. It helps improve flow of information between employees and comply with deadlines.
Deployment took one month including integration of customer dictionaries with ERP system (Comarch Optima).
Saturday, May 11, 2013
ShowSection() and HideSection()
Two new functions have been introduced to rules engine. They allow hiding and showing sections of a web form depending on certain conditions, f.e. value of other fields of a form and stage of a process.
So now there is a full set of such functions:
So now there is a full set of such functions:
Extended "Get" function
Recently we have introduced new feature which is "Reference" field type. So now one case can reference another case. We think it can be useful to get some data from "referenced" case. Therefore "Get" function was extended to support it. Full desctiption of the function is shown below:
Get("table (>table>table...) | reference field","field title","(first|last|row number)")
Returns value of the given field from given row (by default first) of given table or from the case referenced in given field.
Function arguments:
- "table (>table>table...)" - names of table fields. You can specify nested tables by separating them by ">"
- "reference field" - name of the field with reference type
- "field title" - name of the field from table or from referenced case
- "(first|last|row number)" - (optional) from which row you want to get value. By default system return value from first row. For reference field this parameter is ignored.
Example 1:
Positions is the name of table field.
Returns value of amount field from first row of positions table
Example 2:
People is the name of table field.
Returns value of Name field from third row of People table. If there are less than 3 rows in this table, system will return value from last row.
You can use CountRows() function to determine how many rows are in this table.
Example 3:
Invoices and Positions are table fields. Positions table is definied inside Invoices table.
Returns value of ammount field from last row of positions table definied inside invoices table (if there are many invoice rows, system will returns value from last invoice row).
Example 4:
Customer is the name of reference field.
Returns value of Address field from case selected in Customer field.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Reference field type
New type of field has been introduced. It lets make references from one case to other case. When creating such a field on a form you need to choose procedure of referenced cases.
Here are some examples how you can use it:
Therefore it is important to give proper names to cases. The best way to do it is to create automatic rule changing case names on basis of field values. For example rule can put cusotmer's name, city and VAT ID into case name.
Here are some examples how you can use it:
- Reference from an invoice to an agreement.
- Reference from request to previous request. (In this scenario you references cases of the same procedure)
- Create procedure "Customer", so every case represents one customer. And then reference from other procedures to customers. (In this scenario "Customer" procedure is kind of dictionary, but with possibility to define own fields).
Thursday, April 4, 2013
There is new version of AMODIT available. There is one important new feature in this version: modification locking. This feature forbids editing same case by two persons simultaneously. It can be helpful if there are many users working on group of cases. When this feature is turned on, then opening a case by one user for editing will lock a case, so other users will be able to open this case just in read-only mode. They will be able to see who is editing the case at the moment.
Case will be unlocked when user exits from case. Additionally lock will expire after 30 minutes (or other time set in settings).
To turn this feature on you need to go to "System settings":
There is also one minor new feature in this version of AMODIT. It is ConditionalGet function. It gets values from one column of a table from selected rows. It has following syntax:
ConditionalGet ( "table (>table>table...)", "Field/column name", "Conditional field name", "Operator =, ==, !=, <>, <, >, <=, >=", "Conditional value/field name", "Separator" )
For example...
Case will be unlocked when user exits from case. Additionally lock will expire after 30 minutes (or other time set in settings).
To turn this feature on you need to go to "System settings":
There is also one minor new feature in this version of AMODIT. It is ConditionalGet function. It gets values from one column of a table from selected rows. It has following syntax:
ConditionalGet ( "table (>table>table...)", "Field/column name", "Conditional field name", "Operator =, ==, !=, <>, <, >, <=, >=", "Conditional value/field name", "Separator" )
For example...
... will get values from column "email" from table "People" from rows where "city" is equal to "London" and will separate these values with semicolon.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Manufacturer of AMODIT changed name to "AstraFox"
Datacom Software company, manufacturer of AMODIT, changed name to "AstraFox".
Rebranding process is in progress.
One of the steps is a competition to create a new logo. You can find it here:
Rebranding process is in progress.
One of the steps is a competition to create a new logo. You can find it here:
Friday, March 15, 2013
AMODIT prices go 10% up since June
We are increasing prices of AMODIT by 10%. New pricelist will be introduced 1st of June, 2013.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Optimizing tables, up to 10x faster now
We have noticed that when you create a table on a form and add table rules you can get poor performance. It can be even worse if you additionally put dictionary fields in table.
Therefore we decided to make some optimizations. New version works 3x faster when opening a case and up to 10x faster when saving form with big table. Further optimizations are planned and will be available in versions 1.9 and 2.0.
Therefore we decided to make some optimizations. New version works 3x faster when opening a case and up to 10x faster when saving form with big table. Further optimizations are planned and will be available in versions 1.9 and 2.0.
Friday, February 15, 2013
AMODIT Workflow for SharePoint
AMODIT Workflow for SharePoint is fully integrated with Microsoft SharePoint platform. It works as SharePoint site and blends with its look and feel. End users will see it as just another cool feature of SharePoint. And it is much easier to use and much easier to define processes than standard Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF).
AMODIT Workflow for SharePoint has all intelligent and dynamic techniques invented for AMODIT product family which covers:
- Learning from users' behavior
- Automatic creation of procedure diagrams based on real flow of information
- Suggesting decisions based on decision trees and text mining
- Embedded OCR
- Easy-to-use web-based interface for defining electronic forms including tables, embedded tables, calculations, 2d barcodes, dictionaries and more
It works with SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Invoice acceptance in Menard Polska
Friday, January 25, 2013
New partner in Russia
Void L.L.C. company has signed preliminary
co-operation agreement. According to it preparation is made to distribute AMODIT on Russian market. AMODIT distribution is to start this quarter.
Void company specializes in the implementation of business intelligence (BI), geographic information systems (GIS) and integrated solutions, which includes the development of individual software modules on demand in the languages C#. NET, VB.NET.
More information about company can be found here:
More information about company can be found here:
Thursday, January 17, 2013
New privilege "Local administrator"
In AMODIT 1.8.10 a new privilege level has been added. "Local administrator" is a user who can:
- manage users and group, including creating new users, managing passwords etc.
- manage dictionaries
However, local administrator can NOT modify procedures.
It can be useful to separate two roles: process administrator and user/technical administrator. In another words local administrator can manage users without risk of damaging procedures.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hotfix for Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8
There is a bug in IE10 in Windows 8, which can cause problems when using AMODIT. This bug causes problems with Image Buttons. IE10 sends position using "decimal" type instead of "integer".
To fix it on Windows 2008 R2 you can install hotfix:
To fix it on Windows 2008 R2 you can install hotfix:
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