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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Defining deadlines

The 3 ways in AMODIT to define deadline for a case:

  1. Define notifications and escalations on procedure's stages. For example you can set that 2 days after entering stage user will get email notofication and 1 day later user's manager will get this notification, too.
  2. Request answer in defined period of time when sending case to someone else. If case doesn't come back to you in this ime you will be notified by email.
  3. Define deadline for a case. It can be for you or anyone responsible to the case (can be also a group of users). Cases with deadlines will be shown at the top of case list. And if deadline is exceeded then it will be marked red. Just before deadline comes person responsible for it will be notified by email.
I want to describe last option a little more. To define such deadline choose option from toolbar:

Then you define proper date and time. It will be shown in case header. And when deadline is exceeded it will be shown in red color.

Cases with exceeded deadlines will be shown at the top of case list and marked red.

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